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iCT Sky is the Best IT service provider in Bangladesh. Our main goal is to deliver IT services everywhere in Bangladesh. We provide the best and the most advanced services at a fair price. All our software is 100% efficient & usefull, which can be used in real life.
iCT Sky বাংলাদেশের শ্রেষ্ঠ আই.টি সেবা প্রদানকারী প্রতিষ্ঠান। বাংলাদেশের সর্বত্র iCT Sky এর আই.টি সেবা পৌছে দিয়ে, দেশকে আরো উন্নত ও আধুনিকায়নের লক্ষ্যে এগিয়ে চলেছে iCT Sky. আমরা ন্যায্য মূলে উন্নত ও সর্বাধুনিক সেবা প্রদান করি। আমাদের সকল সফ্টওয়ার 100% ইফেকটিভ ও ইউজফুল (কার্যকরী ও ফলপ্রসু) যার মাধ্যমে বাস্তবে উপকার পাওয়া য়ায়।।
Registration Fee (1 year): 850TK ($10.5)
Renew Per Year : 1000TK ($12.5)
Registration from ICANN accumulated Registrar.
Any time Name Server Updatable.
100% Secure...
24x7 Service
Dist Space Per 1GB : 1000TK ($12.5)
Renew Per year: Do
E-mail, Sub Domain, Mysql Database: Unlimited
Bandwidth: 15GB (per 1GB hosting)
Server Location: United States (US)
Data Backup : Yes
100% Secure...
24x7 Service
Dist Space Per 1GB : 2200TK ($28)
Renew Per year: Do
E-mail, Sub Domain, Mysql Database: Unlimited
Bandwidth: 30GB (per 1GB hosting)
Server Location: United States (US)
Data Backup : Yes
100% Secure...
24x7 Service
Feature: News Post, Update, Delete, Dynamic Slider & Menu
Extra Feature: Advertisement Management, News Archive, Photo & Video gallery Etc.
All Devices Responsive: Yes
Mobile App: Yes
Service Charge: 6,850TK
Yearly Maintenance Charge: 1500Tk.
User Feature: Product View, Online Order, Payment etc.
Admin Feature: Product Upload, Delete, Update, Order Control, Dynamic Slider & Odder banner, Etc.
All Devices Responsive: Yes
Mobile App: Yes
Service Charge: 5,850TK
Yearly Maintenance Charge: 1850Tk.
Feature: Online Result, Notice, Payment, Admission Etc.
Extra Feature: Board Result, Quick Education Link, Dynamic Slider, Teacher's Salary Payment Etc.
All Devices Responsive: Yes
Mobile App: Yes
Service Charge: Only 4,850TK
Monthly Charge: 800Tk. (Up to 1,000 Student), 1000TK (Up to 2,000 Student), 2,500Tk (Student more then 2,000)
Feature: Employee Attendance, Salary Calculation, All employee Profile with payment History, Provident Fund, Internal SMS Communication, Bill, Quotation, Invoice Etc
Extra Feature: Client Due Alert & Notification, Admin can Order all employee and Many More...
All Devices Responsive: Yes
Mobile App: Yes
Service Charge: 20,000TK
Monthly Maintenance Charge: 1000Tk.
Feature: Company Profile, Product/Service,
Extra Feature: Employee Attendance, Salary, Bill, Quotation Maintenance Etc.
All Devices Responsive: Yes
Mobile App: Yes
Service Charge: 16,000TK
Yearly Maintenance Charge: 1500Tk.